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The FruitOne operations include 10 production units and 3 packhouses in the Letsitele and Hoedspruit areas in Limpopo.

One of the packhouses is a chemical-free facility which has the capacity to pack all varieties.

FruitOne manage their own certified nurseries which propagate all citrus, macadamia and avo varieties.

In 2014 the company entered into a partnership with Vientosur in The Netherlands to grow and develop our business in Europe, subsequently rebranded as FruitOne Europe.


FruitOne fulfills orders through our 3 pack-houses.

The Moletele and Henley pack-houses are newly designed and equipped with the latest technology to ensure quality.

Our Limpopo-based citrus packing facilities consist of the Moletele pack-house servicing our Hoedspruit operations, and the Henley pack-house which is based in Letsitele.

Both these facilities were designed and equipped with the latest technology to fulfill our clients expectations and meet national and international quality and safety standards.

Our Southampton pack-house has been redesigned and commissioned as a chemical-free facility.


The Henley Nurseries are located in the Letsitele and Haenertsburg areas of Limpopo. We are 5-star SAMAC accredited, 5-star SAAGA accredited and CRI accredited; producing the best quality trees in South Africa.

Our mission is to be Africa’s top producing nursery by delivering on-time, superior quality and disease-free trees to any farmer anywhere.

We believe in training and educating our highly motivated staff, empowering them to become the standard-setting leaders of our industry.

Since the establishment of Henley Nursery, we have been applying new thinking to original ideas, we also use science and modern technology to link all the aspects of production.

We are dedicated to growing a diverse assortment of fruit and nut trees to provide you with the confidence in our product to invest in your future, helping you grow your future.


Our farms are located in the Limpopo province of South Africa. We have ten production units: Henley, Mariveni, Glencoe, Sandriver, Selwane , Waterbok, Calais and Dinaledi, where Dinaledi consists of three farms; Southampton, Grovedale and Leadwood.

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Contact details

T +27(0)21 883 3447
F +27(0)21 883 3491

3rd Floor
Cotillion Place
22 Techno Drive
Techno Park
Stellenbosch 7600